16 countries - 16 summits

June 2023 - 16 countries and their highest summits - by fair means, cycling between the 16 ascents and no artificial oxygen... one might notice that I took care to color the 16 countries along the four color theorem, a bit of a nerd maybe...
There are the Seven Summits (or my own interpretation of them) and of course 14 Eight-thousander, but 16 is bigger than 14 and 7, so I call this the ultimate challenge, the last adventure...

Outline of the report

#1 Fichtelberg 1215m Sachsen
#2 Kutschenberge 201m Brandenburg
#3 Müggelberg 114.8m Berlin
#4 Helpter Berge 179m Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
#5 Bungsberg 168m Schleswig-Holstein
#6 Hasselbrack 116.2m Hamburg
#7 Friedehorst 32,5m Bremen
#8 Brocken 1142m Sachsen-Anhalt
#9 Wurmberg 971m Niedersachsen
#10 Beerberg 982.9m Thüringen
#11 Wasserkuppe 950.2m Hessen
#12 Langenberg 843.2m Nordrheinwestfalen
#13 Erbeskopf 816.32mRheinland-Pfalz
#14 Dollberg 695.4m Saarland
#15 Feldberg 1493m Baden-Württemberg
#16 Zugspitze 2962m Bayern